Thursday, March 13, 2008

Michigan trip

Good afternoon, everyone.
We just returned last night from almost a week in Michigan. We had several appointments scheduled around the state and spent time traveling back and forth; we witnessed an accident and barely missed a deer that leaped across in front of us. Again, we are thankful for God's protection as we travel.
During our travels we had the opportunity to spend a day with very good friends of ours that we have known since before our children were born. We met many years ago when we were both pastoring our first church; we pastored the Assembly of God church and they pastored the Lutheran church. We met at a Gideon banquet for all the local pastors in the region and we have been close friends ever since.
They were having a get together and all four of their children were going to be home and they invited us to stop in and visit with them. It was good to see their children and think back over the years our two families have known each other. We have laughed and cried together and prayed for each other for almost 25 years.
We also were able to see Tim's brother and his family; they had one of their daughters who got married in January and the other one will be married next month; it seems like only yesterday they were born.
I am constantly amazed at how quickly time passes! We have been itinerating for about 18 months and still have more money to raise; we are long overdue to return to Tanzania. We feel an urgency to return to Tanzania before too much more time passes and we lose opportunities to reach lost people and do the work God has for us to do.
Please continue to pray for our remaining funds to come in so we can return to Tanzania as soon as possible.
Tim and Joyce

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