Thursday, June 5, 2008

Good Things are Happening

Dear Friends,

We want to update you on events of the past few days. If you read the earlier postings you know that we have a deadline of July 31; we need to have all of our cash ($26,000) and the remaining 25% of our monthly pledge support ($2,200) completely raised.
Yesterday we met with leadership to discuss some options; they have heard from the National Church in Tanzania and from the missionaries and all of them have said that we are desperately needed in Tanzania. Because of this and the fact that we are 13 year veterans, we were given the choice to make some personal concessions to cut our budget.
We believe that God wants us back in Tanzania and we also believe He will provide for our needs if we will step out in faith. With this in mind, we allowed our budget to be cut down to the bare necessities and a large part of these cuts were in the area of our personal salary.
After the cuts, we now have 90% of our budget raised; we only need $800 more in monthly pledge support to come in by July 31. We still need to raise $22,000 in cash; there was very little we could cut from the cash budget.
We believe God is going to honor our willingness to cut our personal benefits, including our retirement fund, and will bring in the funds we need before July 31.
Please pray with us and if you are able to help with monthly pledge support or give towards our cash budget, please contact us at .

Blessings to all of you!
Joyce Jarvis

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