Tim was in Dar Es Salaam the last Sunday of October for the instillation of the new leadership for the Tanzania Assemblies of God (TAG). In the history of the TAG, this is only our third Superintendent. The first one lead the TAG for over 20 years and Ranwell Mwensingole has provided excellent leadership for the past 16 years. Change, obviously, comes slowly to the TAG; but, in a surprising turn of events we believe that the Holy Spirit has brought change in the form of new leadership and in an innovative and aggressive new 10 year plan for the TAG.
At General Council in August the wind of change blew through that gathering and all three elected positions were filled with new people.
We, as a missionary body, believe that God has ordained these changes in leadership and has also given direction for the next 10 years of the TAG. Changes are needed and yet they will not be easy for the Tanzanian churches and ministers; we believe that God will give us all wisdom and courage in the days ahead.
The instillation service was beautifully done and there was a wonderful graciousness exhibited by the departing leadership and by the new leadership. There was a wonderful spirit of excitement and expectation and a spirit of unity; the TAG will move forward together as one body listening to the Spirit of God as He leads them down new roads that He has prepared.
The picture above shows our three new leaders; from left to right they are: Ron Swai/Secretary-Treasurer, Magnus Mhiche/Assistant Superintendent and Barnabus Mtokambali/Superintendent. We have known all three of these men for many years and have had them in our home both here in Tanzania and in the states. We look forward to working together with them.
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