Wednesday, December 2, 2009


Around the world there are wars, people starving, hundreds being killed for ethnic or religious reasons on a daily basis. We see on a daily basis people who are crippled, sick, begging for food and carrying in their bodies diseases such as Malaria, Typhoid, Cholera and Aids. Africa is a continent that suffers like no other from the effects of nature and mankind.
Usually, each morning we check one of the international news channels, CNN, SKY NEWS AND BBC; we like to keep up with what is going on in the world around us and especially what is happening in the states.
This week the top news story on every station and in every newspaper has been, "Tiger Woods hits a fire hydrant"; we have watched it replayed on every major news channel not once but multiple times every day this week.
Enough already! God forgive us when the top story for a week is someone hitting a fire hydrant!
Ok, I will get off the pedestal and apologize for using my website as a way to vent my frustration with the world's priorities. Living amidst the suffering we see on this continent will change a person's sense of what is important and what is news worthy.
Blessings to all of you.

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