Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Ministry Team

We have just finished a very busy week; we had a ministry team from Turning Point in Kansas City, MO with us to paint buildings at the Bible College and to do children's ministry on Saturday and Sunday.

We managed to house all 10 members of the team in our home (except for the 3 men in the bunkhouse). It was crazy, hectic, fun, tiring, exciting, rewarding, and a lot of other things all rolled into one action packed four days. Two days, Thursday and Friday, were spent painting at the Bible College. The dining hall looks wonderful after having a fresh paint job inside and out; the doors all around the main building were painted as well as the sitting room of the Principal's home. This team was fast and efficient and they amazed us and the Bible School faculty; you could tell they have done this before.

Saturday and Sunday were spent doing children's ministry; we spent Saturday in Nyakato with 300 children from the ages of 3-14 and Sunday we were in the village of Ukiriguru where we ministered to the children during Sunday school and children's church. One of the team members taught the adult Sunday school class and another team member preached during the morning service. The team brought gifts to hand out to every child at both locations and blessed our pastors and Bible College faculty as well with gifts.

On Monday, we all took a safari into the Serengeti Game Park for some much needed R & R; we were blessed to see a lot of animals and we had a good time together.

The team flew out today to return to the states, however, their lives are forever changed because they came to Tanzania. They touched the lives of hundreds of children and blessed the Bible College, the students and the faculty in the four days they were here. In return, they were blessed by the Tanzanian people they met and left with a greater appreciation for the benefits and comforts they have waiting for them in the states.

They were definitely a joy to work with and they blessed us with their generosity, flexibility and cooperation as well as their tender hearts and love for the Tanzanian people.

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