We just returned from a three day trip to the District of Shinyanga; our goal is to visit each of our five districts and begin to build relationships, assess needs and partner with them to reach their goals for the Decade of Harvest. This was the third of our three districts with two remaining; it was a fairly easy 4 hour drive since the roads are paved.
The District of Shinyanga is home to the Wasukuma tribe; this tribe is the largest in Tanzania and is still mostly unreached and steeped in Paganism and witchcraft.
We visited ten churches while there in an effort to encourage the leadership in the district as well as individual pastors. Churches here are mostly in temporary structures with few members. The largest denomination in this region is the Catholic church; their churches are very large and extravagant. Their leaders own nice homes and cars. The TAG churches struggle to find their place in this region and are ridiculed and rejected because their churches are mostly inadequate structures and the pastors are poor and struggling.
The majority of the pastors have not been to Bible College; we will return to the District to teach courses in Evangelism, Missions, Spiritual Leadership and on the Holy Spirit. Our prayer is that by working together we will be able to break the hold that Satan has over this region.
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