On Thursday morning of the Tanzania Assemblies of God (TAG) General Council, there was another first.
The President of Tanzania, Kikwete, accepted the invitation to visit and address our pastors and leadership for the first time.
It was a momentous occasion; the president's personal security forces accompanied by specially trained dogs arrived to go over every inch of the platform and auditorium. His special chair arrived and was placed in the place of honor on the platform. Details and protocol were worked out in advance and the TAG leadership carefully explained matters of security and protocol to those of us gathered in the auditorium.
Our guest speaker stood and spoke prior to the arrival of the president and he did something that was inspired and helped us all to re-align our priorities as they should be.
He stood, looking at the door that the president would step through when he arrived and began to announce in a loud voice as his arm swept towards the closed door, the arrival of the TRUE guest of honor for the day. He began by saying, "Ladies and gentlemen, may I introduce to you our special guest for the day..." He then began to speak the titles and names that are connected to King Jesus..."King of Kings, Lord of Lords, Lamb of God, the Alpha and Omega..."
On he went as the auditorium erupted in stomping feet, clapping hands, cheering and shouts of praise. It was a wonderful moment.
When President Kikwete finally arrived he was greeted with the proper amount of respect and honor due to him as our president and we were honored to have him address our assembly for a few minutes and have our picture taken with him later.
However, King Jesus received the greater welcome from those of us gathered in the auditorium long before President Kikwete ever arrived.
All Hail King Jesus!
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