Thursday, September 9, 2010

To Drive or Not to Drive

As Assembly of God Missionaries, we are given a wonderful sturdy vehicle - a Toyota Land Cruiser - which is invaluable to us as we cover the vast western region of Tanzania. Tim has been making good use of it lately; he was away from home traveling 25 days in the month of August and every day so far in September.
The problem is, however, that I get left stranded while he is gone. I can either take a taxi everywhere I go or catch a ride with a neighbor. The problem with taxi's is that they are sometimes like a "ride on the wild side" and they don't understand an American's sense of "being on time". If you say "1:00" to them that means "before 2:00".
However, for the last week I have had the use of another missionary's car; she flew to Arusha for two weeks and graciously left me her car to use in her absence.
I forgot what a wonderful thing it is to have a car! I can go to the grocery store, the market (for fresh fruits and veggies), the Bible College to teach my classes, to the bank for more money when I have granted to many loans to workers and friends, etc.
There is something comforting in picking up a set of car keys and getting behind the wheel of a car.
I am grateful for the blessing of having my own car-even if it is only for two weeks.

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