Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Outdoor Evangelism

Tim and our guests from Alabama, Bobby and Tyrone, left this morning for Ukerewe Island to begin the third week of outdoor Evangelistic meetings. Last week we were at Mkuyuni just outside of Mwanza; several hundred came forward for salvation, 25-30 demon possessed people have been set free and two healings that we know about.
The first week was spent at the Mwanza Bible College; our students were challenged to walk in the Spirit and walk worthy of their calling into the ministry.
We have scheduled a total of five weeks of outdoor evangelistic meetings and with two weeks behind us we are growing a little weary. It is hard work to put together these meetings, have seminars for pastors during the day, preach every night and pray for those who need salvation, the demon possessed to be set free and people to receive healing. Spiritual warfare is hard work! We thank you for your prayers during these five weeks; our guest evangelist leaves Mwanza on April 6.

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