Friday, July 22, 2011

Faith and Sarah

We are enjoying having our daughter, Sarah, with us; she is doing group therapy with a group of 32 Albino children at a nearby school.  The first few days the children were withdrawn, didn't make eye contact and barely spoke.
After only 3 weeks they are talking, sharing some of their feelings, laughing and interacting with Sarah. She is concentrating on self esteem issues, dealing with emotions and learning to talk about feelings rather than keeping them bottled up inside.  Even though she will only be with these children for two months, we believe she will make a difference in their lives and help them learn to cope with some of the many issues in their lives.
Faith is working at a nearby orphanage with several children who need physical therapy and who have learning disabilities.  The small boy she works with that has Cerebral Palsy, his name is Sita, has already showed improvement in the mobility of his arms and legs.  Faith is excited because he has finally received a special wheelchair that will be much more comfortable for him than the toddler stroller he has been using.
It is a joy to have these two young ladies with us and we will miss them when they leave later this summer; Faith leaves in about 10 days and Sarah leaves August 12. 

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