Monday, March 28, 2011


Tim and our guest evangelists just finished up their week of outdoor meetings in Geita/Sengerema. Geita is in the middle of an area where Gold is mined; they were given a tour of the Gold mine one day while they were there.
The massive mine is a modern, well equipped, technologically advanced, well guarded facility that is like a small city. Although Tim and his guests had a fairly high level of clearance, they never actually saw the gold. They did, however, see trucks tall enough for them to walk upright underneath; huge equipment that made them feel as small as insects in comparison. They were told that out of every 100 tons of rock removed from the mine, they will end up with about 4 grams (less than a teaspoon) of pure gold; millions of dollars worth of Gold comes from that mine every year.
Every night of the outdoor meetings dozens of people were saved and many were delivered from demon possession. It really had nothing to do with the preacher/messenger, but had everything to do with the prayer and fasting that was done weeks ahead in preparation for the meetings and the presence of the Holy Spirit during the meetings who drew people forward to receive eternal life through Jesus.
Every soul that was saved and every person that was delivered from demon possession has far more value to God than the gold that is pulled from those mines in Geita. It's a matter of Kingdom values and heavenly priorities.

Monday, March 21, 2011

The Outdoor meetings continue...

Tim, our guest Evangelist Bobby and his videographer Tyrone returned from Ukerewe Island yesterday afternoon. They have finished the third week of their 5 weeks of outdoor meetings; this morning they head for the Geita District to begin their fourth week of outdoor meetings and pastors seminars.
About 250 new believers came forward during the Ukerewe Island meetings; church members got the names and contact information for each one and they will be followed up for discipleship. Also, about 60 demon possessed people were delivered and set free through the name of Jesus.
Sadly, almost all of the demon possessed people being delivered are young girls beginning as young as 10 years old.
Continue to pray with us for the next two weeks of meetings; the men are growing weary.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Outdoor Evangelism

Tim and our guests from Alabama, Bobby and Tyrone, left this morning for Ukerewe Island to begin the third week of outdoor Evangelistic meetings. Last week we were at Mkuyuni just outside of Mwanza; several hundred came forward for salvation, 25-30 demon possessed people have been set free and two healings that we know about.
The first week was spent at the Mwanza Bible College; our students were challenged to walk in the Spirit and walk worthy of their calling into the ministry.
We have scheduled a total of five weeks of outdoor evangelistic meetings and with two weeks behind us we are growing a little weary. It is hard work to put together these meetings, have seminars for pastors during the day, preach every night and pray for those who need salvation, the demon possessed to be set free and people to receive healing. Spiritual warfare is hard work! We thank you for your prayers during these five weeks; our guest evangelist leaves Mwanza on April 6.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Buhangija School

Saturday we visited Buhangija School in Shinyanga district; this is another government school for the visually impaired. There are 68 Albino children, 40 non-Albino children with vision impairments and 20 deaf children. In addition to these 128 children, there are 46 children who attend other schools who live at Buhangija during their school breaks and call it "home".
There are a number of women with Albino infants/toddlers who live at the school to protect their children from those who would abduct them in their villages. These women help out at the school with cleaning, cooking and other chores in exchange for the protection the school offers their small children.
The staff was very open and congenial and the children were excited to have visitors. After their lunch of "uji" (a thin porridge made from ground millet and water), we served all the staff and children with sodas. This is a rare treat for the children and staff. We also handed out marbles and jump ropes to the children and 20 reams of Braille paper for the school. Each child also got a couple of pieces of candy to round out their special treat for the day.
The Shinyanga District Education Director was there to greet us as well; she is an Albino herself.
The school has many needs and we left with a long list of needs for the school and for the children.
Our first effort will be to fix the pump on the school well so they can have enough water and also to construct a laundry area so they can wash their clothes in better conditions.
A little boy, Eric, pictured above kept asking me for money. I finally asked him why he needed money. He said, "I want to buy a hat". His head and neck were sunburned and he had sores on his head. So, we are also going to attempt to locate and buy as many hats as possible this week to protect the children from sunburn. Hopefully, Eric will get his hat this week.