Thursday, October 25, 2012

News from Tanzania

It seems that violence has come to our peaceful country of Tanzania.  The violence that has erupted in the countries of northern Africa have spilled over and is affecting Tanzania.  The population of Tanzania is about a third Muslim; the Muslim population of Tanzania have been very peaceful and friendly towards Americans for the most part.  There has always been a small number of more militant/radical Muslims on the eastern coast; mostly situated on the island of Zanzibar. 
However, within the past several months Muslims set fire to 12 churches on Zanzibar.  A couple of weeks ago, rioting broke out in the coastal city of Dar Es Salaam.  Three of our A/G churches were set on fire; one was completely destroyed and the other two badly burned and ransacked.  One woman was badly injured and since then another person has been injured and one killed as the rioting continues.  The rioting Muslims seem to be angered by the "mishandling" of the Quran and are demanding the release of a local cleric. 
Please pray for this situation; the Tanzania A/G leadership and pastors are praying and fasting and attempting to react with love towards the hatred coming against them during this time. 

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Buhangija improvements

We would like to thank the Springfield Southeast Rotary Club (Springfield MO) for their generous gift of $5000 to the Buhangija School for the Visually Impaired in Shinyanga Tanzania. There are about 250 Albino Children (CWA-Children with Albinism) who live at the school.
Tim and I visit the school often when we are there but have been in the states for furlough since April. However, Tim made a trip to Tanzania in August to host a building team of 32 people.  While he was there, he presented the money to the school so they could build some toilets and shower facilites for the children.  The children have all been sharing 2 outside toilets and have had no shower facilites at all.  They wash using buckets standing around outside with the older children going behind some of the buildings to bathe. 
We just received pictures today from the school Headmaster, Mr Ajali, showing that the toilets and showers have been completed.  They children are excited about their new facilities; it will be very helpful in relieving the problems related to the severe over-crowding at the school.