Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Dear Friends,

I'm sorry it's been awhile since we've updated; we have been in Missouri, North Carolina and Michigan in the two weeks since Thanksgiving and have not had access to internet connection for a large part of that time.
We want to thank all of you for praying for us as we travel; we avoided two accidents on the highways in the past month. The last one was on Monday; I'm not sure how we kept from hitting one of several cars that were in our way except for the fact that we know our friends and partners are praying for us. Thank you for your faithfulness!
I want to share a praise report that reminds us all that God is concerned about the small things. Our daughters each had a need over the weekend that amounted to $140 being put on our credit card. On Sunday, we were in a small church in rural North Carolina; there were about 25 people in attendance that morning. The pastor and his wife, a retired couple, are acting as interim pastors until the church can find a permanent pastor. We went out to eat with this dear couple and had a wonderful time of fellowship with them. As we were leaving, the pastor's wife slipped some money into my hand; I tried to return it to her knowing that they were on a fixed income but she insisted that the Lord had told her to give the money to me personally as a gift to spend however I wanted.
As we drove away, I began unrolling the bills in my hand and realized that she had given me $140! The exact amount that we had just placed on our credit card; she had no way of knowing about it. However, the Lord did and He provided for our need.
He says that He shall supply all of our needs according to His riches in glory!
Thanks to all of you for your faithful prayers; please remember the following prayer requests:
*We are still waiting for a place to live here in Michigan; pray that the apartment we have been waiting for since October 1 will be ready soon. We continue to be thankful for the friends and family who allow us to stay with them.
* We are desperately in need of monthly support; we are at about 62% of our needed monthly pledges. Time has become a critical issue; we are believing God for a financial miracle.

We'll keep in touch! Blessings to all of you!
Tim and Joyce

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