Monday, March 24, 2008

Flipping for Mission

Hello everyone...

It's the eldest daughter chiming in. Since I set up this blog, I figure I can hijack it every once in a while.

For those who don't know, I'm a reporter for KWWL News in eastern Iowa. And yesterday I was able to cover a story near and dear to my heart: missions fundraising.

Through the years I think I've heard everything imaginable when it comes to raising money for missions. Some people take the safe route using bake sales and offerings, while others get a bit more adventurous. I heard about one youth group leader who raised money for Speed the Light by letting the highest bidder name her newborn baby.

Well, two families in eastern Iowa decided to flip a house to pay for their missions trip to Mexico. Click on the video player to watch my story.

Thanks to all of you for your continued prayers. It's comforting to know that even though I won't be on the mission field with mom and dad, there are people who continue to pray for me as I'm separated from them.

God Bless!


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