Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Every member important in the body

Hello, Friends.

Sorry, once again it's been a week since I last blogged; sometimes time seems to go so fast.

Last Wednesday evening I accidently rammed my foot into the leg of the couch and heard a loud pop and felt a sharp pain. When I pulled my foot from under the couch my middle toe on my right foot was lying across the top of the two toes on it's right; definitely a broken toe situation.

We decided we needed to go to the emergency room; even though we know they only tape it. We felt we needed to have it x-rayed since I am diabetic and have some problems with my feet anyway. Five hours later, at 3;30 am, we left the hospital with my toes taped together, I was wearing a protective shoe, and I was attempting to use a pair of crutches. I was also given a prescription for pain medicine.

I am able to walk around fine without the crutches as long as I wear the protective shoe which keeps my toes from moving or bending. However, I have to walk at an odd angle because of the shoe that is too big and it is causing me more pain in my knee than I am experiencing with my broken toe, I am also having pain in my hip because of the awkward way I walk now. This has to continue for about four weeks.

Well, all of this has reminded me of the scripture in I Corinthians 12:12-26; read it for yourself and I won't take time to preach my little sermonette here. Suffice it to say, that every member of the body is important and necessary and it's pain affects all other parts. I just want to remind you that this applies to the body of Christ; we are all part of each other and need each other; I have been painfully aware of the truth of this for the past week.

Tim and I want to thank all of you for being part of our "body of ministry in Tanzania"; we need all of you and each one of you are important to us. No matter what part you have in our ministry; know that you are loved and appreciated by us.

Joyce and Tim

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