Sunday, April 26, 2009


I just checked our blog and realize that I have not blogged in April; we have been traveling and have covered many miles. We left Tanzania on April 2 to fly to the US; we are here for our youngest daughter, Sarah's, graduation from Evangel University.
We spent two days driving across Tanzania and two days flying to reach our destination in the states. In the past two weeks we have been in Missouri, Alabama, North Carolina, Iowa and tomorrow we come full circle back to Missouri.
We have been able to see a lot of family and have visited churches in each of the states that we visited. When I wake up in the mornings I take a minute to remember where I am and who I am staying with on that particular morning.
On Friday, May 1, we will attend Sarah's graduation and celebrate this milestone in her life; she will be starting work on her Master's in a few months. We have also been able to spend some time with our oldest daughter, Jenn, who lives and works in Iowa.
The hardest part of this term in Tanzania has been adjusting to our two daughters remaining in the states to live their lives and pursue their dreams. We are thankful for the days that we have been able to spend with them; I'm making memories with my daughters that I can enjoy in the months ahead when we return to Tanzania.
Enjoy your family whenever and wherever you can; none of us have a guarantee of tomorrow. Seize the day!

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