Monday, July 27, 2009

Children's Day Tanzanian Style

Recently, it was national Children's Day in the TAG (Tanzania Assemblies of God); this is a very special day. This is the one day a year that the children have the full attention of the church; in this society they are often overlooked and many churches have no ministry to children at all.

However, on this day they are given the entire day; all classes are taught by children, all music is provided by the children, preaching and all parts of the service are conducted by the children.
We spent the week before meeting in the afternoons to practice songs, skits, music and all facets of "our" day.
We had a glorious day! The children were dressed in their best, they were in the spotlight and they were remarkable! I wish I could share all the pictures and videos with you that I took on that day. What a celebration it was. What a day to show the people in our church that the children are able and willing to be an integral part of the church body.
After the services (two morning services with Sunday school in between) the church provided a meal for all the children (about 70) plus their teachers. Enjoy the pictures!

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