Monday, April 26, 2010

Children's Training Seminar

This week we had missionaries Mike & Kari Ness and Phil Malcomb as guests in our home for about 10 days. They were in Mwanza for a regional Children's Workers training seminar which was held at the Mwanza Bible College. Children's workers from 6 districts were represented with a total of 52 in attendance.

It was an intense week of training for Children's Directors from various sections throughout the districts as well as Children's pastors. They were trained in all aspects of Children's ministries with a lot of hands-on practice; the week culminated with them going to many of the local churches on Sunday to minister in their children's services. Sunday afternoon they held an outdoor Children's Crusade at one of the churches located near the Bible College.

During the seminar, I taught a couple of classes which I thoroughly enjoyed. Today, Monday, is the final day with a special lunch and graduation ceremonies. Lots of fun but lots of work as well.

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