Friday, August 6, 2010

Baking Day

Yesterday was an experiment in baking.
Lisa, the young missionary lady renting our guest house, came up yesterday morning and we made homemade waffles for breakfast. These were so good that we decided to mix up another batch and we made these with apples and cinnamon. This batch was packaged and put in the freezer for "frozen waffles" for the future; the missionary version of "Eggo" frozen waffles.
After cleaning up the waffle mess we moved on to our first attempt at making Bagels; these turned out fairly well. In the states they may have received a "6" on a 1-10 scale rating system. However, here in Mwanza Tanzania and half way through a four year term they received an "8" rating. The longer you go without something the less critical you become about the way it "should" look and taste. Again, these were divided up between us and most were frozen to pull out and enjoy later.
Our last effort for the morning was to make a batch of yeast raised glazed donuts. These again received a rating of "8" on the "1-10" scale.
OK, they weren't "Krispy Creme" quality but they sure tasted good with a cup of good Tanzanian coffee.
Lisa and I decided the mess we made and had to clean up in the kitchen was definitely worth it! Who knows what "make from scratch" challenges we will attempt next.

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