Monday, July 16, 2012

Breaking down Barriers

Yesterday (Sunday) we were with a church in Kansas City MO; it was a very moving service for us in that it represented one of our heart's desires for Tanzania. 
The pastor and his family have been at this church for 36 years; they moved here from Guyana South America.  The family is originally from India but have lived several generations in Guyana and practice the Hindu religion; this is very similar to the Indian population living in Tanzania. The church body was almost entirely made up of Black Americans and Africans.
 In Mwanza, Tanzania where we live, the Indian Tanzanians and the Black Tanzanians are separated by a wall of prejudice and mistrust that has been in place for generations and even as Christians they rarely are seen worshipping together.  In fact, there are few Christians among the thousands of Indians living in Mwanza.
We have had a burden to see the Indian population of Mwanza reached with the Gospel and to witness the Indian and Black Tanzanians worhiping together; one mind, one body, one spirit.
As we looked at the worship team at Grace A/G yesterday; it brought tears to our eyes as we saw a very large black American man standing at the microphone and a small elderly Indian man standing at the microphone beside him; a picture of what we hope to see in Tanzania some day. 

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