Saturday, September 27, 2008

On a flimsy wooden platform

Tanzanian outdoor crusades are a lot of things, but they are never boring or uneventful! Tim and I were involved in an out door crusade last week to help a new church plant in the Isamilo district of our city of Mwanza; this is a mostly Muslim community so we knew it would not be an easy week.

Even though we had paid the fees to rent the entire field; we were just one of many events going on simultaneously. Satan provided a variety of distractions which included a soccer game that went on each evening at the same time and occupying the space right next to us on the field. This, of course, involved the occasional fight between players and spectators and the occasional run away ball that rolled into our midst as well as the noise of the crowd as they cheered their team. Add to this mix, the children running and playing, the wind, dust, rain, vendors hawking their wares, people traveling across the field to get to their destinations and the vehicles honking and making their unique sounds as they drove by us on the road.

I mustn't forget to mention the nearby mosque that broadcast the call to prayer each evening; we did notice that each evening it got louder and longer.

However, God has promised that His word will not return void and seeds were planted; some for future harvest and some were harvested during the crusade.

Tim preached from a very rickety and flimsy wooden platform; he preached about a Saviour who had died on an old wooden cross for the sins of all. At the end of the crusade, 45 people came forward for salvation and several who were demon possessed were set free.

It was a good week!

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