Saturday, June 4, 2011


Tim has left, again, to travel to Babati in the Manyara District; it's about an 8 hour drive from here. He will be overseeing the laying of the foundation of the Church Planting School for that region.  Tim is the only missionary on this field who has had experience in putting up buildings; he is working on training a couple of the other missionaries how to put in the foundations.
 The Tanzania Assemblies of God, as part of their Decade of Harvest plans, will be building a Church Planting School in every district (over 20 districts) plus building some secondary schools as well over the next 2 or 3 years. The government secondary schools do not provide quality education and the private schools are expensive and are either Muslim or Catholic.
The TAG wants our pastors and members to have quality Christian schools to send their childre to so they can receive quality education that will also help prepare them for entrance into colleges and universities.  It's a big vision but the TAG leadership are men of vision and faith.

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