Thursday, June 30, 2011

Little things can make your day

As missionaries, we adjust to doing without certain things that we enjoy but that are not available in the country in which we live and minister.
There are times when teams are coming out that they graciously offer to bring those special comfort items or food items that you crave occasionally but have learned to do without them.
Then, there are those rare and special occasions when in your travels you find some of those things.  Two weeks ago we had to travel to Kenya; while meandering through the produce area at a large grocery store we discovered cantaloupes and strawberries!  Cantaloupes are Joyce's favorite fruit and strawberries are Tim's favorite fruit.  We ate cantaloupes and strawberries every day for the 3 days we were there.  What a treat! 
We have attempted to grow various vegetables and fruits but some of them just don't grow here in Mwanza for different reasons. After several disappointing experiences we finally gave up on cantaloupes and strawberries in Mwanza. 
Then, Tim went to the main market downtown in search of lettuce which has become very scarce.  When he returned with a head of lettuce he also brought ears of sweet corn!!!  Amazing!  He bought 30 ears of sweet corn and we put them in the freezer to pull out when the craving hit us. 
Yes, sometimes those little things remind you that God loves you and he has many littles ways of showing that love; sometimes it is in the form of cantaloupe, strawberries, lettuce and sweet corn.   

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